Cinema and Theatre in San Sebastian
In San Sebastian you can find different cinemas to enjoy the latest movies. In the following lines, you will find all the information regarding cinemas and theatres in San Sebastian. Remember that not all the cinemas offer session in their original versions!
Cines Antiguo Berri
Address: Zarautz Kalea, 2, 20018 Donostia, Gipuzkoa
Price: Monday-Friday - 5,90 euros
Saturdays, Sundays and holidays - 7,50 euros
Cines Príncipe (with 3D room)
Address: San Juan Kalea, 10, 20003 Donostia, Gipuzkoa
Price: Monday-Friday - 6,80 euros (last session-5,90 euros)
Saturdays, Sundays and holidays - 7,50 euros
Cines Trueba
Address: Calle de Secundino Esnaola, 2, 20001 San Sebastián, Guipúzcoa
Price: Monday-Friday - 6,80 euros (last session-5,90 euros)
Saturdays, Sundays and holidays - 7,50 euros
Ocine la Bretxa (with 3D room)
Address: Calle San Juan 4, CP20001, San Sebastián Gipúzkoa
Price: 7 euros (3D - 9 euros)
So that you can enjoy the best cinema at the best price,
In all our cinemas we have a day of the spectator:
- Prince: Wednesday
- Old Berri: Monday
- Trueba: Tuesday
Valid only on non-holiday days.
When the day of the spectator coincides with Halloween the price of the spectator's day will be valid in the first sessions and will not be valid in the session of the night.
Address: Argentinar Errepublika, 2, 20004 San Sebastián, SS
Address: Calle Mayor, 3, 20003 San Sebastián, Gipúzkoa
El Sekadero
Address: Plaza de las Cigarreras, 1, 20012 San Sebastián, Gipúzkoa